
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it” (John 1:5)

What is one of the first things we do when we enter a dimly lit or dark room?  Naturally, we find a light to turn on.  If we don’t, we can easily run into furniture, stub our toe or bang up our knee.  Whatever the consequences of rambling around in a dark room are, they are unpleasant and unwelcomed.   

Genesis chapter one tells us that, “God created the heavens and the earth.”  It also tells us that, “the earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the surface of the deep.”   The Hebrew language describes the earth as being a chaotic miserable waste.  The first thing God spoke over this desolation was, “let there be light.”  We can only imagine how brilliant the light was as it obeyed the command of the Creator, dispelling all the dark confusion and mayhem with its’ overpowering nature.  Overcome by the intensity of God’s command, darkness had no recourse but to succumb to a greater Power.

As we examine the world we live in today, it is easy to see somewhat of a comparison to the condition it was in before creation.   It’s hard to miss the chaos, confusion, and turmoil that fills it.  And let us not forget the darkness.  The darkness that sin and rebellion have caused.  It is tempting to throw our arms up and walk away from any hope for this world’s redemption.

But take heart, dear friends.  Our verse this week tells us something we cannot forget.  That is that when light shines in darkness, the darkness can never extinguish it.”  Walk into a lit room and turn on another light, it will only succeed in adding an additional light.  But walk into a room that is totally dark and turn on a light, even a small light, the darkness must submit to the light, for darkness will never be able to quench or smother light.  Light will always be more powerful than darkness.

Matthew 5:14 tells us as Christ followers that we are “the light of the world.”   We are the ones who are to carry light and truth into the darkness this present world has created.  We are to shine bright because light is most brilliant in darkness.  Let us not give-up on this world.  Let’s be the brilliant light who obeys the command of our Creator.                                                            Darlene