
“I will never leave you, never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)

It has earned a special place in my Bible.  In fact, it is what I use to bookmark my Bible.  It being a tattered, well-worn note on a card that my husband Reid wrote to me many years ago.  The note reads, “I am committed to see you succeed in the ministry God has called you to.”  Now, for over 40 years, he has indeed shown his commitment to me in my calling to pastor women.  He has listened to me through my times of venting frustration.   He has encouraged me when I felt my strength weakening.  He has taken me to the airport in the wee hours of the morning, and picked me up in the waning hours of the day.  He has supported me with prayer and finances.  He is my cheering squad.  The one who is seeing me to the finish line.  I am forever grateful to my husband for his undying loyalty and devotion.

Perhaps you are reading this and thinking that you receive no commitment from other people.  Your parents never showed you they were dedicated to your welfare.   Your spouse appears to take lightly the vows he made at the altar.  Those you thought were your closest friends have turned their backs on you.  Even your dog won’t come to you when you call him anymore.  To you, the word commitment means very little. 

But here is the good news!  You have a God who, the moment you place your faith in Jesus Christ, commits himself to you, and he will never go back on that commitment.  Here are a few of the things that reveal God’s commitment to us:

  God is committed to removing our condemnation – Romans 8:1

  God is committed to loving us with an undying love – I John 3:1 and 4:19

  God is committed to making us a brand new person – II Corinthians 5:17

  God is committed to never forsaking us – Romans 8:37-39

  God is committed to protecting us – Isaiah 54:17

  God is committed to giving us all the strength we need – Philippians 4:13

  God is committed to giving us good things – James 1:17

  God is committed to showing his compassion to us – Psalm 103:13

In Jesus Christ, God is absolutely committed to us.  It does not matter if a person in our life is not loyal, our God will always be loyal to us.  He will not walk away from us.  He will not lay us aside.  He will not turn his back on us.  He will not point the finger at us.  God is committed to seeing us succeed.  Let that soak in! 
