Christianity Today

What is happening to our Christianity?

I try to make the effort to avoid political topics in the blogs that I write however, the  recent controversy that has resulted from an article in Christianity Today, calling for the removal of President Trump, has motivated me to step into the political ring, so to speak.  I am concerned that we who claim we are following Jesus Christ may actually be falling on our faces.  Regardless what any of us thinks about our president, or any world leader for that fact, we seem to have forgotten two very important facts.

Fact number one: God is sovereign.  Sovereign means that God is absolute, supreme, and unrestrained in everything he does.  That includes placing anyone in authority.  God’s word tells us, “The Lord does whatever he pleases” (Psalm 135:6).  God places into positions of authority every president, king, queen, prime minister, magistrate, chief executive, etc.  He places every individual person in the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of our government.  We may get to vote, but it is ultimately God who according to Daniel 2:21, “controls the course of world events; he removes kings and sets up other kings.”  II Chronicles 20:6 extols God this way – “You are ruler of all the kingdoms of the earth.  You are powerful and mighty; no one can stand against you.”  Somewhere at some point, we have forgotten about the sovereignty of God, and have taken the responsibility of placing leaders and removing them upon ourselves.  Could it be that we just don’t trust God to take care of this world?  Why do we refuse to respect whom he places in positions and whom he removes from them?  When did we become so infallible in our world leadership skills?

The second fact we seem to have forgotten is that God has NOT placed us here to throw political mud at one another.  Each of us has a right to our opinion, yet the testimony many of us are giving today makes me sad, and perhaps a bit sick to my stomach.  Jesus Christ made it very clear that we are here to do four things.  One, be light in this world (Matthew 5:14).  Two, make disciples (Matthew 28:19).  Three, be salt (Matthew 5:13).  And four, “preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15).  At some point we have lost sight of WHO Christ wants us to be.  I can’t help but wonder if the church has become nothing more than a laughingstock to a world that needs Jesus Christ so desperately.  No wonder people don’t listen to what we have to say.  We are rapidly coming to the point that we have nothing better to offer to the unsaved than what the world offers them.  Shame on us! 

Come on, Christians, we can DO better than this.  We can BE better than this.  It’s time we got on our knees, repent of our selfishness, and place America and the world back into God’s sovereign hands where they belong.  Then let’s get out into the world and be the salt and light God intended for us to be!


What is happening to our Christianity?