Why do I do what I do?

“Don’t do your good deeds publicly, to be admired by others” (Matthew 6:1)

The bible tells us that God searches our hearts (Romans 8:27).  I remember very well an intense time of God’s exploration of my own heart.  I was a busy woman, heading a large women’s ministry, traveling to speak at women’s retreats and conferences.  In the middle of my active schedule, God’s Spirit posed a very penetrating question to me, “Why do I do what I do?”  I chose the answer I thought God wanted to hear.  By the way, do not ever think you can appease God with a pat answer.  Mine certainly didn’t.  “God, I do this because I love you.  And besides this is what you have called me to do.”  At that point God’s Spirit went straight for my heart, speaking the truth I didn’t want to hear.  “No Darlene, you do this to feel good about yourself and to make others think more highly of you.”  Ouch!  And I mean, ouch!  I knew God had hit his mark.  I knew what his Spirit revealed to me was the truth I had been trying to hide from myself for years. 

That encounter with God was a life changing experience for me.  I spent the next few weeks praying, evaluating, and reprioritizing my life.  Some things needed to change, some needed to be rearranged, and some needed to go.  I found myself questioning everything I did and why I did it.  Some of the answers were helpful, some hurtful.  Some of the answers were constructive.  Some of them wounded my pride.  My pride is still a struggle for me.  In fact, it is probably my greatest enemy, and until I get home to Jesus, I’m sure it always will be.    

Have you ever prayed and asked God to reveal to you why you do what you do?  Why do you attend the church you attend?  Why do you volunteer?  Why do you work where you work?  Why do you hang out with the people you hang out with?  Why do you read the books you read, or watch the programs and movies you watch?  Why do you have the schedule you have?  Why do you have the hobbies you have?  Why do you go to the places you go? 

The list could go on, but the point is, we need to evaluate the motives of our hearts and ask God to show us if our lives are full of self, or full of obedience to his plan for our us.  Do we ever think about how we are bringing glory to God with our lives?  Do we live our lives in a way that honors God, or are we most concerned about us?  How we look?  How people perceive us?  What we’re going to get out of what we do? 

We get but one chance down here.  One life to live.  Then, we stand before Christ.  By the time we get before him, it will be too late to go back and redo anything.  The time to evaluate our life is now!                                                                                                                Darlene