The Scroll

“Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” (Psalm139:16)

“Ideas come from curiosity.”  “The cure for boredom is curiosity.”  “The future belongs to the curios.”  These are all great quotes designed to stimulate our minds to search for more.  But then, remember the most famous quote about curiosity – “it killed the cat!” 

Today there is much curiosity in the minds of God’s children.  That curiosity produces questions in us, such as – “What’s going to happen to me in the future?”  “Are we really in the end times?”  “How soon is the rapture?”  “Could so and so be the Antichrist?”  These questions can lead us to search for answers in some wrong places.  They cause us to listen to a variety of theories, speculations, and conjectures – mostly from the internet or social media.  Dangerous for people who want to analyze everything. 

So exactly how do we know what God has for us as individuals?  Psalm 139:16 tells us that God has recorded every day of our lives in his book.  In the Hebrew the word for book is sefer.  But in the Greek of the New Testament Scriptures, the word is biblion, from which we get the word Bible.”   

We must remember that the sefer, or the bible, was not originally laid out in book form.  There were no variety of translations of God’s word, like we have now.  Originally, the sefer, or the biblion, was a rolled parchment – a scroll.  If you are familiar with scrolls, you are aware that you can only see what is inside the scroll as it unrolls. 

This is how God designed our personal lives to be lived.  He created us to only see the fullness of his plans for our life as it unfolds, like a scroll.  On a scroll, everything unrolls in a perfect order.  You cannot skip into a future section of a scroll.  This is the way it is with our lives.  God will not show us all that is before us.  We would not understand it, nor would we be able to deal with it.

This is also the way God designed the future.  What lies ahead on God’s scroll is already written……finished.  It will all unfold in its perfect time.  Remember that everything on God’s scroll is connected.  We do not yet see the words that have not been unrolled, but the words we do see will lead us directly to what we do not yet see. 

The key is to allow God to unroll the scroll of our lives on a daily basis.  To live in the fullness of God’s will in every moment we have.  To live each day according to what God shows us on his scroll, with eager anticipation to what he will reveal to us as we wait for the remainder of his scroll to be unrolled.  We do not have to be so curious because we can rest in the words of the scroll God has written for our lives and our future. 
