“He will swallow up death forever” (Isaiah 25:8)

A couple of weeks ago I wrote my blog on the valuable lessons we can learn from our sorrows. Mainly the sorrow death brings to those who survive. But those lessons are only part of the story. They are not the end of the story. They are valuable, but they cannot produce the hope we all need.
The only thing that can bring us the hope we desperately desire is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This Sunday is Easter Sunday, and on that Day we will gather in churches, we will gather around a table filled with ham and all sorts of goodies; but what will we really celebrate the true value this Sunday holds? The Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 3:10, “I want to know Christ – yes, to know the power of his resurrection.”
The resurrection of Jesus Christ means that the worst has been met and conquered. I’m talking about death. This means, for the Christ-follower, that no matter how difficult life is to digest, the end of life is the beginning of the dessert.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most amazing and transforming fact of human history. The resurrection of Jesus Christ changes the entire horizon for those who follow him. The resurrection of Jesus Christ means death has been conquered. The resurrection of Jesus Christ gives us eternal life, hope, and all the optimist we need. It is literally the death of death. The apostle Paul also wrote in Philippians 11, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Death does not have to be feared. Because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ death can be faced with joy.
As we close in on this week of Easter, I would like to ask you if you have that wonderful hope that Christ’s resurrection brings. Has there been a time in your life when you asked Jesus Christ to forgive you for your sins and become the Lord of your personal life? If not, would you be willing to do that now? It’s simple. Not rocket science or brain surgery. All that is involved is a simple prayer asking for forgiveness, and a sincere heart to follow Christ’s teachings. That simple prayer and commitment will give you the first truly meaningful Easter that you will be able to experience for the rest of your life. All because Jesus Christ is risen!