The Deadly Weapon

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21)

At times we come across verses that make us stop and wonder about the impact they might possibly have on our life.  Case in point is our verse for this week – “death and life are in the power of the tongue.”  What exactly does that mean, and how could a tongue have such great power.  So, allow me to share a true story with you.

This story, or should I say this event, took place in 1975 when a court awarded $107,000 to compensate a family in the case of a man who was killed by slander.  Yes, that’s right, slander.  John Abercrombie, a retired Air Force colonel with a distinguished World War II combat record, was accused of stealing a can of Danish bacon worth 63 cents.   He was later found innocent, but the accusation he received from many people broke him.  He grew depressed and finally, his heart gave out, and he died.  All from slander that stemmed from a lie.

We cannot take slander and false accusations lightly.  Slander is what eventually killed John Abercrombie.  When we speak words of hatred, criticism, discouragement to or about others, we are in possession of a dangerous weapon.  If someone is not present to defend themself, others easily draw conclusions about that individual that may not be true.  Such words over days, weeks, months or years can break someone’s spirit, and ultimately even take away their health and their life.  The $107,000 that John Abercrombie’s family received will never bring their loved one back.  And even if the court cleared his name, there were perhaps some who still thought in their minds that he was guilty.  And all over 63 cents worth of bacon!

We must learn the practice of speaking words that give life to others.  Jesus did.  When he asked his disciples if they were going to leave him in John 6:68, they said to him, “to who would we go?  You have the words of life.”  Let us speak words of life as Jesus did.  Words of love and encouragement.  Words filled with compassion.  For if words of hate bring death, it also holds true that words of life can raise other’s spirits to a fresh perspective in their life.  As you go through your day this day, and everyday forward, make certain that you practice words to others that will bring them love, joy, peace – and above all, life!
