On the move

“Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal.” (Philippians 3:13)

Ever feel like your life is at a standstill?  Pretty stagnant and stale?  Like you’re not getting anywhere?  Well, allow me to give you some statistics.  Now you might want to sit down and hold onto your seat for this.

It may seem you are at a point of nowhere in your life right now, but that is certainly not the case.  Every second, the earth is moving 18.5 miles in its journey.  What that tells us is that with every tick of the clock, you and I are moving 18.5 miles away from where we were before the last tick.  When we count to 10, we are 200 miles away from the place we were when we began counting.  Now, those mind-boggling statistics are not just true for the earth; they are true for all earthlings.  That means that with the tick of the clock, every life is changing.  Every soul is moving either toward God or away from him.

So you see, each of our lives are constantly heading somewhere.  But the important question is this: are they heading toward Christ and his glory?  The Lord is clear that he “knows the plans I have for you, plans for peace, not calamity.”  If we believe that to be true, then why are we always living in fear that the worst is going to happen?   Or loaded down with the anxiety that we are going to mess things up?  Or how about being overcome with the dread that we’re going to be rejected?

God wants to bring our life to a good place.  And like every second that ticks on the clock, you and I have not only moved 18.5 miles on this planet; we have moved closer and closer to eternity.  And in moving closer and closer to eternity, we have moved closer and closer to God.  So, if we are moving anyway, let’s not stay stagnant in the things of God.  Let’s move ahead in our love for others.  Let’s push forward in our faith in our Lord.  Let’s progress in our service.  Let’s advance in our godly walk.

Think about it.  You just traveled hundreds of miles as you read this blog.  Let’s not stay stagnant anymore.  The earth’s rotation teaches us a great lesson about the progress we make every second the clock ticks.  Let’s make that progress for God’s glory.
