“For the word of God is alive and powerful…….It exposes our innnermost thoughts and desires.” (Hebrews 4:12)
Well, here we are. After weeks and months of watching and listening to backbiting, finger-pointing political ads, in a mere three weeks America will vote not only for our next President, but for many other elected officials. As each of us marks our ballot, we will do so motivated by some sort of standard. For some of us, our standard may align with a political party – the color of a candidate’s skin – their height, weight, or age – their education or experience – or perhaps their personality or ancestry. While these things may seem relevant, they are each a flawed standard to use in voting for the future of America.
The character of each candidate is vitally important. Their values, morals and principles come from the core of their beliefs. These are the things that we should focus on. But then, we still need a standard to compare them with. As a believer in Jesus Christ, the only standard I can compare anyone’s integrity to is the Word of God. As a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, if God calls it murder and a candidate calls it choice – they do not get my vote. As a woman who believes God is holy, if God calls it sin and a candidate calls it an alternative lifestyle – they do not get my vote. As a woman who tries to follow the teachings of Christ, if God calls it unrighteous and a candidate calls it being on the right side of history – they do not get my vote. For me it is simple. If a candidate’s beliefs and values do not line up with the Word of God – they do not get my vote.
Whoever you vote for is entirely up to you. Whatever the standard you chose for your choices is your business. Your principles and values are your choice. I am not promoting or endorsing any candidate(s). I just wanted to take the opportunity to ask you to prayerfully consider what standard you use when casting your vote. I also wanted to encourage you to vote. Every election in the history of America has been important. To me, this is one of the most critical elections I have ever seen. The battle raging between good and evil is too crucial to not cast a vote. It is also too paramount to cast that ballot without seriously contemplating the standard with which we cast it.
I do not know what the results of any of the upcoming elections will be, however I do know this – above it all is a perfect God who reigns on a sovereign throne. Therefore, the results of every election will be according to his will, and on that you and I can rest.