“In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:9)
There they stood – perfectly straight, gloriously majestic. Two trees. But not just any trees. No, these two trees were special trees. They were stronger and taller than the trees that surrounded them. They were adorned with the greenest foliage and most luscious fruit the first man and woman could have ever imagined. No wonder Eve had an affinity to go stand by these trees and gaze at their majestic splendor. But then one day, that back-stabbing serpent slithered into the perfect garden, and well – you know the rest of the story. All he had to do was talk to Eve, all she had to do was listen to him – and wham! So now we find ourselves smack in the middle of a once perfect world that has fallen back into disarray.
Here’s the question I want to pose to you: What do you think that nasty asp tempted our first parents with? I don’t believe it was merely the thrill of eating fruit from a forbidden tree. In fact, I don’t believe he tempted them with any fruit, no matter how ripe and luscious it appeared to be. No, his fruit was more devious and destructive than something that merely hung on a tree.
That slippery snake had something else on his mind besides fruit that day in the garden. Something that did not already exist in the Garden. Something that snake dragged into the garden with him. Something Adam and Eve never expected. I believe that venomous viper tempted them with doubt. He dangled before them the big itch to question everything God had told them. Doubt God’s commands. Doubt God’s goodness. Doubt anything associated with the relationship they were enjoying with God.
In our life, we too have two trees to pick our fruit from. We have a tree to feast upon that can bring us the fruit of wisdom, love, and an abundant life. We even have a name for that tree – the Bible. But then there’s that other tree. That is the tree that wants us to indulge in the temptation to ignore God and decide for ourselves what is best for us. That tree we think is going to make us wise. That tree that tempts our hearts to grow selfish and impatient. That tree that deceives us into thinking we know the difference between right and wrong, between good and evil – we don’t need God to tell us.
Eating fruit from the wrong tree will cause us heartache. It can destroy marriages, families, and friendships. It can get us into more trouble than we are able to shovel our way out of. You see, once we doubt what God says, question what he has done, hesitate about what he promises he will do – once that knowledge of evil takes over our minds and hearts, the tree shakes and the rotten fruit falls to the ground at our feet.
So, let’s be careful of the trees we pick our fruit from. Will we select fruit from a tree that promises us wisdom from God that will guide our lives in the right direction. Or from a tree that fills our minds with the doubt of who God is and what he says. Stay close to Christ and be very careful of the trees you pick your fruit from.