A Different Sight

“For we walk by faith not by sight” (II Corinthians 5:7)

Faith is what takes us from being blinded by the lies and deception of the world and gives us the ability to see things clearly that are far above sight.  However, truly understanding what faith is and what it does for us is not the easiest to comprehend.  Therefore, even as followers of Jesus Christ, many times we follow him by what we can see in front of us and omit the reality of spiritual truths that are only revealed to us through His Spirit.  Yet, many times not being able to see is what leads us in the right direction we are to take.

Confused?  Allow me to give you an illustration of this.  There was a great heat wave in 1959.  In that heat wave the city of New York experienced a power failure.  People found themselves without air conditioners or lights.  Those on the upper floors of high rises were in a real bind, trapped with no lights or elevators.  However, in one of those buildings, the blackout didn’t cause as many problems.  That was the building that held the Guild for the Jewish Blind.  The building was filled with two hundred blind employees and seventy sighted employees.  When the lights went out, the sighted workers were helpless, but the blind workers had no problem at all.  So, the blind workers who knew every inch of the building without sight helped the sighted workers down the steps and onto Broadway. 

This event illustrates a profound truth for us.  The Lord tells us to not only live by what we can see, though we may think it is clear.  Scripture makes it plain for us.  We are to live our life by faith.  By something that is greater than sight.  When we trust what we can see more than we trust the gift of faith that is given to us, we can easily end up lost, helpless, and overcome with the darkness of life, as those sighted employees in that building in New York City during the blackout of 1959 would have had happen to them.  Their deliverance came to them from a higher perception that the blind employes had who knew how to evacuate that building.  They could easily lead the sighted, because they knew every wall, every door, and every step in that building because they were able to not rely on sight but on their ability to maneuver through the darkness.

We have the ability in Christ to maneuver through the darkness of this life, because no matter how much gloom there is; no matter how much the night seems to fall in our life, we know by faith in Christ that we do not have to be overcome by the dark.  We can walk in a different sight that only Christ can give.
