“Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched hand. Nothing is too hard for you” (Jeremiah 32:17)
There are some theologians who struggle believing the Red Sea parted. Yes, theologians! Wonder what Seminary they graduated from. Their argument is that the sea consisted of only about a foot of water and the Israelites were able to just walk across it. Today the average depth of the Red Sea is a little over sixteen hundred feet. Personally, I think these theologians should march themselves, along with their doctorate degree, back to Seminary; open up a bible, and explain to me how all the Egyptians and their horses drowned in one foot of water. If that were the case, we would definitely have a different miracle on our hands.
Obviously, these learned scholars haven’t learned that we serve a God who created this universe with its countless galaxies, stars, and planets; not to mention all the oceans, seas, and living creatures. So seems logical that the God who created all this would have no problem at all parting some of his water – no matter how deep it was.
Now, some of you reading this may feel like you have found yourself standing at the shore of your own Red Sea. A deep Red Sea. A sea that seems overwhelming in your life, so that you cannot see a way out of your problem. You cannot figure out how you’re going to get across the raging waters to the other side. You cannot see any victory in sight. It might even seem to you that right now your problem is bigger than it was for the Hebrews.
But your problem isn’t too big for God – the God who created everything. The water you stand before is not too deep for God to part. The other side of your sea is not too far for God to get you there. As Moses stood on the shore of the Red Sea, he said to the Hebrews, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today.” (Exodus 14:13). Those are the same orders our God gives to each of us as we stand on the shore of our Red Sea, watching the waters of our situation rage. Stand firm, my friends – then watch God work.