The Great Need

“From everlasting to everlasting you are God” (Psalm 90:2)

They say statistics don’t lie, so here are some sad ones for America.  The belief in God has dropped six percent since 2017.  Not quite fifty percent of Americans say that God exists.  You think that’s bad, listen to this statistic – seventy percent of born-again believers say that other religions can lead to heaven.  Seventy percent!  These are some sad statistics indeed.

In the late 18th century, the kingdom of France was overthrown.  The new revolutionary government proclaimed there was no God and declared France to be a nation of atheists.  The result of this was called “The reign of terror.”  Twenty-seven thousand people were butchered.  Finally, one of the leaders of the revolution, a man named Robespierre, told the revolutionary council that belief in God was essential.  Without it, there could be no morality and no republic.  So, the national representatives voted that the French people acknowledge the existence of God, and the immortality of the soul.  The reign of terror ended.

France learned what America must learn – without God there is no meaning in life, no virtue, no morality, nothing of true value or goodness.  As we face a crucial election, we discover that the condition of our nation today rests in the sad truth that America has pushed God out, voted God out, legislated God out.  And we are faced with the fact that our once great nation is in its own reign of terror, sliding down a hole of atheism and moral degeneration.    

But there is also a warning to us who proclaim we know Jesus Christ as our Savior.  We can say we are a believer yet live as an atheist.  We cannot proclaim God with our lips but deny Him with our life.  In light of this, I want to ask each of you to join me in praying for two of the greatest needs our nation has.  The first is for a spiritual awakening for America itself to turn from our selfish wicked ways to the God who created us and gave us this great nation to begin with.  The second prayer I would ask you to join me in is to intercede for a great revival for the church in America.  We as a body of believers have also become selfish, in conflict with one another, demanding our ways, weak in prayer, and denying the power of the Holy Spirit upon our congregations.  Will you please join me in praying for our nation and our church?
